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The Wind in the Willows - Grahame Kenneth

The Wind in the Willows
Grahame Kenneth (Grahame Kenneth)

Item ID : 1355701
SKU : VV1355701
ISBN : 9781784284275

Pages : 190
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Mole, rat, and badger are toad's dearest friends even as the aristocratic amphibian's wastrel ways get him into trouble. After being arrested and sentenced to jail, he returns to his ancestral home of toad hall to find it overrun with stoats and weasels from the wild wood. But his friends haven't abandoned him yet. In fact, they've conspired to help drive the villainous vermin from his home. Embracing themes of empathy and friendship under the most trying conditions, The Wind in the Willows follows the journey of its anthropomorphic characters through the changing seasons of the english countryside while providing life lessons that have endured for generations. Amazonclassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature's most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds.

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