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Сыр - Ятковская К.

Ятковская К. (Iatkovskaia K.)

Item ID : 1140621
SKU : 141246
ISBN : 9785961459142

Pages : 96
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2016
Publisher : Интеллектуальная Литература ( Intellektual'naia Literatura )

You Pay: $19.95

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Краткая аннотация

Сборник рассказов для детей и взрослых «Сыр» — авторский дебют. Проза Кристины Ятковской близка по духу Брэдбери, Сэлинджеру и Хармсу. Смешные и грустные, меланхоличные и пронзительные, простые и в то же время сложные истории с элементами магического реализма, абсурда, ностальгии по внутренней Австралии, по невымершим динозаврам, гитарной музыке, детским фантазиям и бесконечной любви.


Brief Summary

The quote Why 'Cheese'? It's not a cookbook. I wanted to choose some simple and pleasant word, and here it is. Cheese is a smile on the camera, and salt, and bitterness, and many holes, and space for speculation, and falling in love with a goat, and stink, and tradition. It's fluidity and hardness. It's time. It's a delight. It's a quick sandwich. It's a flying saucer. That's what you can say. And eat. Kristina Iatkovskaya What the book is a book with stories and pictures. Adult-child, child-adult. You are waiting for funny and sad, melancholic and piercing, simple and at the same time complex stories, with elements of magical realism, absurdity, nostalgia for internal Australia, on extinct dinosaurs, guitar music, children's fantasies and endless Love. Kristina Yatkowska's prose is close in spirit to Bradbury, Salinger and Harms. Why the book is worthy of reading - you will definitely like it if you love magical realism and games of words. Short and not-so-stories are accompanied by illustrations by the author. The cover features a photograph taken by the author in Mexico. This is the orange wall of a tequila factory. For whom this book is for adults who feel like children. For children who feel like adults. Author Kristina Yatkovskaya is a writer and artist. He's the author of the raccoon comics. In 2006, she was shortlisted for the 'Debut' award for 'Little Prose' for the novel 'Abandoned House'. In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. He works in the publishing house as a PR bookmaker. Keywords Stories, children, humor, absurdity, prose. Making a book binding, illustration reviews Read, smile and read again. There's freedom in these lines. The real one, not constitutional, but not destructive, but creative. Reading the book 'Cheese', after the author make a series of discoveries: the letter is stuffy in an envelope, paper snowflakes also melt, and if you pour milk into the tea, you can see a nuclear explosion. There are many children and pure, intangible and non-social in the book. Surprise, reflection, dreams, curiosity and a little love. Oleg Yudanov, 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' Book amateurish, amateur, but this is, perhaps, and attractive. Such homemade non-binding creativity. Nikolai Alexandrov, 'Echo of Moscow' Stories, slightly Harmsov, are built on changes in the roles of characters. A person and an object interact, at the end the object assumes the functions of the person, and the person - the subject. Konstantin Milchin, 'Russian Reporter' Book of Kristina Yatkovskaya 'Cheese' - magical. In the end, you realize that you're not reading a book, but this book is reading you, and it's time for you to get on the dusty shelf. Cheese - because involuntarily smile after each story and unconsciously prepare that now will fly bird. Anton Mascalyade, musician.

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